This article explores the significance of peroxisomes, their functions, and the implications of various...
Metformin: More Than a Diabetes Drug Metformin is widely known as a medication used...
Understanding the mechanisms that regulate lifespan and aging is a critical area of research...
How Genes Affect Aging and How You May “Alter” Your Genes Your DNA may...
Valter Longo, Ph.D., studied his native Italy to learn to increase longevity. Is diet...
A popular weight loss strategy that limits the hours during which calories can be...
Aging denotes a postmaturational deterioration of cells and organisms with the passage of time,...
Autophagy is a process of cellular self-degradation in which portions of the cytoplasm are...
Autophagy (self‐eating) is a conserved catabolic homeostatic process required for cellular metabolic demands by removal...
The successful transfer of a gene that produces HMW-HA paves the way for improving...