December 22, 2024

The extreme depressing state of the country is portrayed by suffering
people mainly of the lower strata triggered by the acute cost of living,
loss of employment or small businesses and as significantly the
breakdown of welfare assistance from the government in a life bed
topped by crime aggravated by the murky within the long arm of the
law itself with Sri Lanka hit by a cyclone like drug monster that keeps
rearing its head by the day rooted to under cover political roots. While
the escalating crime rate that has scourged the country year over year
like a spreading cancer to the new socio family violence trend and
cheating and robbery has seen a much-coined paradise isle in the
Indian ocean take a terrible decline to a shaky Chicago type of lifestyle.

It is such a sorry state of affairs that the sober headed youth with a
firm education passport to greener pastures have been leaving the
country in one huge exodus over the years hitting a new orbit with the
scramble to get away from the sorry spectrum they no more consider
home in a further diluted social decline evidenced by social media posts
and teledramas. In that boomerang the recent peaceful Aragalaya
struggle that cut a historic path to political change has been a lending
atom to the unrest within concerned youth about their future in a
gloomy curve.

That the current situation has been the result of irresponsible
politicians shirking responsibility adds to the gloomy picture where
attacking the working class that constitute the backbone of the
economy where lower strata youth have become to be targeted as the
devil of the government does illustrate the division and breakdown in
the state of affairs for the worse. Keeping the 22 million populace in the
dark of what reforms are needed to get the country back on track is as
bad and unconstructive.

The postponement of the local government elections by the
government after much hedging culminating with the Government
Printer of all persons jumping to the middle announcing that ballot
papers could not be printed until a massive arrears was not paid by the
Elections Commission too has not gone well with the people of an
already long overdue by election. That the postponement came in the
wake of President Ranil Wickremesinghe reportedly stating in lighter
vein, ‘there is no elections to be postponed’ was a bad pill to swallow
where holding of elections is sacrosanct in a democracy in keeping with
the primary sovereignty of the people.

While his economic knowledge and long experience stands him in good
stead, President Wickremesinghe, in taking over the high office has set

foot on a herculean responsibility of delivering the country from by all
accounts the worst economic crisis put into many baskets, the origin to
which rooted in the worst COVID-19 health hazard. His most recent
comment that protests cannot change governments and only the ballot
can do that though does not go well with critics who believe that
agitation is certainly a whip cord to articulating the people’s
fundamental right to their opinion for change.

Last year’s Aragalaya struggle in the entry and occupation of the
Presidential Office and Presidential House was apparently inspired by
what rooted in America following the last elections though the
intrusion and damaging of Wickremesinghe’s private home was
different and unforgivable where personal property he cherished for
years were destroyed. But the general consensus is that violence bigots
violence and that reprisals on the part of the Government is

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